Seven Suns

So a week has passed, and for that week, my ass was illn. Literally, illn. Caught myself a good fever the first night, then got bitch slapped by a sinus infection. Drank me significant amounts of water and juice, but can running back up. Tried eating, ate, then up came back my meal. I could have sworn I lost at least 5-7 pounds. Now heere's a list of things that were on my mind all week.

-Is this a late hangover?
-Am I fckin possessed?
-Do I have HIV?
-Could it be the swine flu?
-When will I get better?
-I wonder what's going on at school
-Junior year went by faster than Freshman and Sophomore years
-Everything tastes weird, nothing tastes good
-I'm gonna quit partying, No I don't, I gotta stop, and so on and so forth
-I have a lot of schoolwork to make up
-Was I really adopted the name "Little Reek"?
-My abs must be tighter/harder from coughing up storms

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