Seven Suns plus one

It sure has been another week since my last post (actually 8 days), not because I was "dying," but because I was "busy." Well not completely busy. I'd say the only thing that kept me from blogging was keeping up with my research project. Other than that, I've really been doing nothing but sitting on my ass in front of the tube, watching mostly what was on the food network. So this year, realizing that it's the end of the school year didn't hit me as hard as it did in the past. I mean, I have this last week and I'm gonna be a senior. One step closer out of high school, out of this town, and into the Marine Corps! That also means one year closer till my ass gets kicked out into the real world. The world where I have to grow up. But let me share with you things I am/am not looking forward to.

The end of Junior Year
Looking beautiful in my Blues on my sister's graduation
Getting piss faced at my sister's grad party
Finally getting my permit
Corporal's Course at Camp Pendleton this summer
Pumping iron this summer
Summer in general

Awww Man
One step closer to growing up
Cutting down my partying
My sister moving out
All my buddies graduating, whether going to college or the military

-Stefan "Sal-E, Little Reek" Salazar

Postscript: At least there more positive things to look forward to :]

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