11 MAY 2009

-Woke up at 0600 to walk to school at 0630
-Got to school, then went to 1st period US History, 0730
-Watched a movie on the Korean War
-During break, went into the MCJROTC supply room, and got dressed for class
-My sleeves on my utility uniform were rolled up tight as all hell, so it took me a while to take it off at the end of class haha
-Next was body comp, but I just kicked it
-For lunch, I didn't eat much, just chips and a protein shake
-7th period, American Lit with Mr. Foster; did absolutely nothing but read my book
-After school, went to Carls Jr. with Matt, Jake, Clifton, and Aaron
-Walked my tired ass home, then about an hour later, drove over to San Diego
-Picked up cousin Ashley from her apartment, then went to eat at Crab Hut, BOMBASS seafood :D
-After that, dropped off cousin Ashley, then went home
-Got on the phone with people, then fell my ass to sleep, haha

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