
For years now I've been an insomniac, maybe even nocturnal to some extent. I guess you can say I'm a combination of Batman and Detective Will Dormer, the character Al Pacino plays in the movie Insomnia. I compare myself two these two characters, yet the funny thing is is that I've never seen Insomnia haha. So that brings me to add that movie to my list of movies that I must see before winter.

Anyway, back to the point. The reason why I'm up late is because I can't help but take so many freakin damn naps during the day. It's ridiculous how lazy I get, plus the stupid dreams I have when those naps are taken.

The latest dream I remember took place at school, the weight room to be exact. It was third period body composition on the day of our max bench final. Everyone was on top of their weight lifting game, getting compliments from the coach and shit. Then it's my turn to bench, attempting 195 for my max. Right when I lift the bar off the rack, my coach starts talking shit. Instinctively, my thoughts are "What the fuck, did he really?" So I rack the bar, get up off the bench, and deck the mother fucker in his throat. Like every movie you see, you have one group cheering for your ass, and another group holding you back, making sure you don't swing again.

I mean, I do dream when I sleep at night. But the intensity of those dreams don't amount to anything compared to the daytime dreams.

Because of naps being taken during the day, you get me. Me bitching about how there's no more pizza left to eat, having to settle for breadsticks. How lame can I fucking get? hahah

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